Letter to Prospective 音乐 Students

Cathy Block - 韦德娱乐app下载地址

From 音乐 / 跳舞 Department Head Cathy Block

Solebury is a school that is accustomed to breaking new ground. Perhaps nowhere is that more apparent than our music program.

索莱伯里学校的音乐课程是最新的,它是创新的,也许最重要的是,它是独一无二的. 这在很大程度上是因为它是由一群在音乐行业和表演领域有实际经验的音乐专业人士组成的. They bring their contacts, 专业知识, and experiences into the classroom, 以及为学生提供不同寻常的机会的创造性课程. When you have teachers who have written songs for icons like Diana Ross, 或者与伦纳德·伯恩斯坦和米斯拉夫·罗斯特罗波维奇等传奇人物合作过, 一切皆有可能.

此外,我们还有 several performance ensembles. 在春天, the music department has a contest for student bands, 重奏曲, 一两个小组去晨星录音室录制样带, working with Grammy-winning engineer Glenn Barrett. 其他学生也被邀请来参加这次旅行. This event happens during 艺术节这是一个专门为艺术而设的星期,所有学生都可以参加许多研讨会和活动.

Our courses are always evolving, 因为我们经常回应当前学生群体所表达的需求和愿望. 事实是,你必须在大学里才能找到我们在索伯里提供的许多音乐课程. 甚至大学也可能不提供这些课程,因为它们完全是独一无二的,是由索伯里的老师们创造的. 以下是我们全年提供的课程样本(其中一些课程可能每年轮换):

Indie 音乐 and How It Is Re-Shaping the 音乐 World
在这个课堂上, we take a deep dive into where the music industry was, how it originated and operated, 以及它降落的地方. 这门课是关于当前的录音和巡演艺术家如何塑造和创造一个职业生涯. 我们在这门课上做的一件事是Skype或Zoom与我们覆盖的许多艺术家. Some of the past 艺术家 we have Skyped/zoomed with include Clairo, 乔恩·巴蒂斯特, The Districts (as well as a session with their man年龄r), 点唱机幽灵, Sidd Khosla(电视剧《韦德娱乐app下载地址》和《韦德娱乐app下载地址》的电视/电影作曲家), producer/ film composer Dan Romer (Ingrid Michaelson, and music for Beast Of The Southern Wild), 和WXPN电台主持人. 我们还与Ground Up的Alexander Charles Azar等艺术家进行了课堂访问和讨论. 我们以业内人士的视角直接回答问题

Scoring for Big and Small Band
学生学习为圆号、木管乐器发声,并为节奏部分写作. It is an advanced course that you would find at the music college level. At the end of the trimester, students have their arrangements played.

Jazz Theory and Composition

这门课讲的是这十年的音乐如何改变了世界,塑造了未来. It is an in-depth look at the music, 艺术家, and people who were the intellectual movers of the time. 这个班经常听到索里伯里老师克里斯·朗哈特的演讲, 谁是1969年伍德斯托克音乐节的技术总监.

本课程涵盖了在不同音乐风格下无乐器伴奏歌唱的基础知识, i.e. Classical, African Folk, Doo-wop, Spirituals, Pop and more. 学生们学习到在保持一种特定风格的有节奏的舞蹈的同时,建立声乐和声的乐趣. It's a class designed for experienced singers, 完成至少一年合唱课程者优先. Others are admitted by audition.

Greatest Bands of All Time
This is a fun, in-depth look into the most influential bands, ever. We look at who were the first, 现在又会是谁呢, 为什么, from Buddy Holly and The Crickets, to Sly and The Family Stone to Nirvana, 让辩论开始吧!

Making 音乐 With Logic Pro
学生将熟悉逻辑,这是一个广泛使用的DAW在唱片业. They will compose original music and score film clips using Logic, 并收到他们学习作曲和编曲技巧的工作反馈. 

你听谁的歌? 从波斯特·马龙到碧昂斯,从爱莉安娜·格兰德到杜瓦·利帕,从阿黛尔到周末乐队——你喜欢什么? Starting from the minstrels of the 1800s and traveling right up to rap, we will take an illuminating journey through the 年龄s. 听一些伟大的音乐,学习你喜欢的音乐的故事. 这是美国流行音乐不断演变和深刻复杂的故事. It might just blow your mind

This course digs deeply into the nuts and bolts of song composition. We emphasize discovering your own unique compositional voice, 同时发展词汇和对其他歌曲的理解, 作家也很棒.

Vocal Performance workshop
声乐表演工作坊是一个声乐训练和表演的大师班. It has an emphasis on building vocal technique, learning to constructively critique peers in a workshop setting, 和执行. 

Many things make Solebury a unique educational experience, and the Solebury music program is certainly one of them.